沙西米 (2015)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

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沙西米 (2015)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

沙西米 (2015)电影在线观看下载免费下载迅雷下载完整版未删减都没有

日本福岛大地震毁掉了AV女优浅野夏美(波多野结衣 饰)生活中的一切,与此同时,她还得知同自己合作过多部作品的男优因为患上了艾滋病而自杀身亡,这也就意味着,自己一直以来都暴露在恐怖病毒的侵犯之下。
一张不期而至的明信片让夏美决定前往台湾,在那里等着她的是她过去的恋人和分别已久的儿子。在海边的民宿中,夏美邂逅了日本料理师高振明(李康生 饰),高振明意外的发现夏美和自己失踪已久的妻子样貌十分相似,因此对她多了一份特殊的感情,这让一直和高振明保持着肉体关系的女助理小敏(纪培慧 饰)心中感到十分不是滋味,嫉妒在她的内心里慢慢积累发酵,最终爆发。

The Fukushima Earthquake in Japan destroyed everything in the life of AV actress Natsumi Asano (Hadono Yui), and at the same time, she also learned that the male superstar who collaborated with herself in many works committed suicide because of AIDS. This means that he has always been exposed to terrorist viruses.
An unexpected postcard made Xia Mei decide to go to Taiwan, where she was waiting for her past lover and long-standing son. In the seaside hotel, Xia Mei met Japanese chef Gao Zhenming (Li Kangsheng). Gao Zhenming accidentally found that Xia Mei and her long-lost wife were very similar in appearance, so she had a special feeling for her. The female assistant Xiao Min (Ji Peihui), who has been in physical relationship with Gao Zhenming, felt very unpleasant in her heart. Jealousy slowly accumulated and fermented in her heart, and eventually broke out.



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